Friday, March 22, 2019

The Importance of Fatherhood

In current trends we see the value of men and fatherhood is being undermined by women and by society.  I believe that women are pretty awesome and have the ability to juggle many things to make things work.  Likewise, I believe that men are equally incredible and essential to our homes, communities, and families.  We have different roles that we play, and sometimes they overlap each other in complementary ways.

I tried to find some resources on the importance of men and or fathers on Google, and to my surprise, there is very little information on this without a great deal of searching.  Why is this information not more readily available when we know of the trouble that occurs primarily with children when a father is absent in a home?  We hear so much about the “Me too” movement, unequal pay, toxic masculinity, and so on blasted on nearly every network and radio station.  Disclaimer: I do think there has been abuse of power in the workplace; and under no circumstances should a woman tolerate or condone unwanted advances, or abuse of any kind.  I’m not going to address those issues, only that I want to say that there are good men, faithful husbands, and committed fathers.  When we are exposed to so much negativity about any race, gender, culture we begin to see everyone in that way, and it may just be a biased viewpoint.

I did find some view points from our church leaders on a father’s importance and role in the family.  Todd D. Christofferson expressed, “As a Church, we believe in fathers. We believe in “the ideal of the man who puts his family first.”  We believe that “by divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families.” We believe that in their complementary family duties, “fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners.” We believe that far from being superfluous, fathers are unique and irreplaceable.  Loving the mother of his children—and showing that love—are two of the best things a father can do for his children. This reaffirms and strengthens the marriage that is the foundation of their family life and security.  Some men are single fathers, foster fathers, or stepfathers. Many of them strive mightily and do their very best in an often difficult role. We honor those who do all that can be done in love, patience, and self-sacrifice to meet individual and family needs.”

I love that it was stated the two best things a father can do for his children is to love their mother and to show it.  There are many men who say they love their wives, but keep it secretly to themselves.  Children need to be shown examples of love and unity and that it exists.  The home should be the best place to learn these things, not what they see in movies, you tube videos, books, and video games.  Our society is struggling because our relationships are struggling, our families and homes are struggling.  How do we correct it?  Love, this is always the answer.  Model love, fidelity, morality, forgiveness, unity, to your spouses and children.  Our children are always watching and learning from our example, and we will be held accountable for it.  We work the hardest for what we want most.

Work is an important part of our roles in society and in the home and family.  In times past we have seen that men were the providers although women may have worked periodically to help out during financially stressful times.  Women primarily worked within their homes, and some men have also shared some of those responsibilities.  Many times, when we work together as a family this increases family unity and closeness.  We all need a responsibility, and working increases self-worth, self-esteem and empowerment to increase in knowledge and develop essential life skills.  Parents need to lead by example, this is how you influence your children.  It is much better for parents to encourage their children to work and do chores when you work alongside them.  When we work together, we can accomplish amazing things.  We need to work to preserve our most treasured relationships, if we neglect them, they will breakdown and deteriorate.  

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